Leancoin Burned Today: 96,327,444.04

Leancoin Burned Today

We are pleased to announce that today we have burned 5% of the tokens in the burning wallet, totaling 96,327,444.04 Leancoin. This equates to a market value of over $34,000 USD. You can verify this transaction on Solscan to see Leancoin Burned Today:

Solscan TXN

As a result, the total supply of Leancoin has been reduced from 7,918,368,680 Leancoin to 7,822,040,734 Leancoin. It is our mission to continue decreasing the total supply, which has already been reduced by over 21% from the max supply of 10 billion Leancoin. All tokens bought back are sent to the Burning Wallet.

In accordance with a Hacken audit, in which Leancoin received a 9.6/10 score, the Burning Wallet is protected by a smart contract. Consequently, our team does not have access to it. All tokens that are sent there are no longer under the team’s control and are burned at a rate of 5% per month. Currently, the Burning Wallet contains over 1.8 billion Leancoin, indicating that the total supply will certainly not exceed 6 billion Leancoin. Here is the address of the Burning Wallet:

Burning Wallet

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