Leancoin at the Lean Trendy Conference

Leancoin at the Lean Trendy

We are thrilled to announce that on September 23rd, Dr. Bartosz Misiurek from Leancoin will be speaking at the Lean Trendy Conference in Lodz, Poland. His topic? “Leancoin Corporate: A Revolution in Community Building and Rewarding Employees in Organizations”.

During his presentation, aspects of the Leancoin Ecosystem will be discussed. Together, we will uncover the potential of corporate tokens as an innovative form of bonuses, a tool for community building, and an intrinsic ecosystem within the organization. Dive deep with us to understand how blockchain technology can replace the traditional approach to bonuses and foster community spirit within a manufacturing firm. We will explore how tokenization can impact the Kaizen program, as well as the daily activities of employees. Additionally, the application of NFT technology in the digitization of bonuses and rewards will be highlighted. All are under the secure umbrella of blockchain technology and the support of the Leancoin Ecosystem (LEAN). Visit the presentation from Leancoin at the Lean Trendy Conference.

About the Lean Trendy Conference: Hosted annually by the Lean Management Association of Poland, the Lean Trendy Conference attracts over 200 Lean practitioners from the industry in Poland. This year marks the first conference where the Leancoin Ecosystem, which comprises the Leancoin Token, Lean Community, and Lean Global Consulting, will be introduced.

Register for the conference here: https://app.evenea.pl/event/leantrendy2023/

Conference Agenda: https://leanpolska.org/agenda-lean-trendy-2023.html

About the Speaker: Dr. Bartosz Misiurek is a Lean practitioner with over 17 years of experience. He currently works in the automotive industry as a TWI Global Coach, assisting with the implementation of standardized work across different continents. Since 2015, he has been the CEO of Leantrix – one of the leading consulting firms in Lean in Poland. From 2020, he has been developing the global Leancoin project, based on blockchain technology, boasting a market capitalization of over $1M. In 2022, he became the CEO of DoLeanIT, an Estonian startup focusing on IT solutions for the manufacturing industry.

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