Successful Audit Completion by Hacken of Leancoin Smart Contract

Leancoin Smart Contract

Leancoin Smart Contract is finished. We are pleased to announce that the Leancoin smart contract has just successfully completed an audit carried out by Hacken. The audit resulted in a score of 9.7/10, with Leancoin earning a perfect score of 10/10 for smart contract security and quality of documentation. This result indicates that all vesting/burning functions in the Leancoin smart contract are fully secure.

Please refer to the full Leancoin smart contract audit:

You can currently acquire Leancoin on the DigiFinex exchange:

Moreover, in the last few days, we have conducted all smart contract tests related to the release of tokens. As per the White Paper, tokens have been released from the following wallets:

  • Swap wallet – exchange of Lean Management Token for Leancoin – 100% of the wallet
  • Liquidity wallet – tokens used to provide liquidity on CEX and DEX – 50% of the wallet
  • Partnership wallet – tokens that will exclusively be used in case of strategic partnership acquisitions – 50% of the wallet
  • Community wallet – tokens used for the development of the Lean Community and the Jobs for $LEAN program – 5% of the wallet

Detailed description of Leancoin’s tokenomics is presented in the smart contract documentation:

In the coming days, we will begin swapping tokens through the Marketplace (for those who deposited their Lean Management Tokens there) and through the online form:

About Hacken: Hacken is a premier global cybersecurity company with a particular focus on blockchain security. They provide a wide range of services, including but not limited to smart contract audits, penetration testing, and cybersecurity consulting. Known for their high standard of service, they work with a variety of clients across industries to ensure the security of their digital assets. Their reputation as a top auditing company is backed by their consistent results, expertise, and an in-depth understanding of cybersecurity issues in the blockchain space.

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